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Use Google like a pro

Sep 9, 2022

Googling is one of the most important skills for every developer.

Let me show you how to get better at Googling.

Let's start!

1 . Use quotes to force an exact-match search:

"what is javascript"

Exact Match

2 . AND operator will return only results related to both terms:

html AND css

AND operator

3 . You can use the OR operator to get the results related to one of the search terms

(javascript OR python) free course

OR opeator

4 . - operator will exclude results that contain a term or phrase:

javascript -css

Minus operator

5 . You can use the (*) wildcards as placeholders, which will be replaced by any word or phrase.

"how to start * in 6 months"

Wildcard operator

6 . Search inside a single website:

Site operator

7 . You can also use a very useful feature that helps to find a specific file type.

filetype:pdf learn css

Search by filetype

8 . Search for a range of numbers:

ecmascript 2016..2018

Search by number range

9. Use | in place of OR. e.g JavaScript | HTML

Google search result for JavaScript and HTML

10. The ext is also a substitute for filetype

Google search result for JavaScript PDF documents

11. Limit search to a domain e.g .com, .edu, .org e.t.c

Google search results for performance of web applications

You can go really weird by combining operators and search terms that will perform a pinpoint search.

JavaScript|HTML|CSS filetype:pdf -"framework" site:edu

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Happy coding! ❤️

Error to 200

Error to 200 means "Error to Success Status". Through this blog and youtube channel, I attempt to teach basics and those coding techniques to people in a short time, which took me ages to learn.