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Increase your productivity being a programmer

Get Started Now Jul 21, 2022

From multitasking tricks to shortcuts that will save your precious time, here you have the best hacks and aliases for those “Bash-days”.

As a developer, some days are smooth sailing for you, but most of the days, it seems like HELL.

In this article, we explore 10 productivity tips for programmers who want to increase their output. So, here are some hacks to be productive and stay motivated at the same time.


The more we’ve learned, the more we’ve realized there’s so much more to learn

Are you a programmer looking to deliver the most out of your work? You can be the sole programmer on your team or work for a company that doesn't seem to favor programmers. Whatever the case, increasing your output might occasionally be difficult. It's challenging to keep up a high level of production. Sometimes writing lines of code is difficult, making you anxious and unable to focus.

An unproductive day might result from a variety of factors. However, there are also many things you can do to stop unproductive days from happening and just as many to help turn around a terrible day. Here are 10 of the greatest ones that can increase productivity for both you and your developer team.

1. Make a well-structured Plan

Prior to beginning any job or work, make a plan. Divvy up the work and give each task the time you think is appropriate. Additionally, create a daily to-do list and include the subtasks you need to finish.

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2. Eat The Frog

“Eat The Frog” — Do the Hardest Task First

When you have difficult work that you know must be completed because it is imperative, complete it first thing in the morning. If you put it off until later, you'll have a fearful thought running through your head all day. Your productivity in other areas could be significantly reduced as a result.

You are already winning the day by doing it first thing in the morning, and the day is only getting started. Additionally, most people are most productive in the morning.

3. Set reminders to work on your most important tasks each day

Working on your most important assignment every day is one of the simplest methods to enhance your output. It is hard to work on tasks in a way that ensures you aren't taking on too much or too little work because it is impossible to predict how long a certain task will take to finish. However, if you focus on your most crucial assignment each day, you can be sure to make progress on your project and get a decent night's rest knowing that you are getting closer to the end result. Knowing what your most crucial duty is for each day can help you avoid unwanted distractions. To create a list of unfinished chores, schedule them, and set daily reminders, use apps like Notion, TRELLO, and Google Calendar.

To prevent interruptions from coworkers so that you can organize your other activities in the proper order, you can block your calendar and set your phone to DND. By doing so, you may ensure that your time is spent as productively as possible and resist the urge to work on anything other than the most critical tasks.

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4. Know Your expertise or framework

Being an expert in one or two skills is far more valuable than being passable in a dozen.

Try to go deep into your programming stack, whatever it may be. A more in-depth reading of the documentation, solving more edge cases, and the creation of sophisticated, one-of-a-kind projects will force you to gain a deeper understanding of the technology.

You'll be more effective and your talents will advance if you do that.

5. Explore your Most Productive Hours

According to research, everyone has certain times of the day when they are functioning at their highest level both mentally and physically. From person to person, this differs. Because of this, some people feel much more imaginative and rational in the morning, but others work till the wee hours of the night to create remarkable results.

First and foremost, time tracking aids in task optimization, the identification of peak productivity periods, and the planning and prioritization of workload.

To do large, difficult jobs that require more concentration and energy than others, each person must be aware of when they are most productive during the day.

For seven to ten days, rate your level of energy on a scale of 1 to 10 for each hour of the day. You'll be able to plainly see your body's pattern. Utilize this to increase your productivity.

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6. Organize your work environment

Have a nice clear work zone; as the saying goes: “A clear space is a clear mind”.

Your productivity is low despite the fact that you are sitting at your desk with the computer on and emails looking back at you. What could be wrong when you've eaten a substantial breakfast and are ready for the day ahead? Have you ever considered that the way you work might be impeding your productivity?

The importance of organization cannot be overstated when working under pressure. When everything is organized and in its proper place, finding what you're looking for is a lot simpler. When everything is set out in front of you, doing your work is much simpler. You may spend more time working on your project when your workstation is organized and less time-seeking stuff.

The same goes for the files in your local system. Don't just download and import files in random locations. Instead, organize your files and folders in such a way that even your 6-year-old cousin can easily navigate to the exact file when asked. Make proper directories with appropriate names so that even you don't face problems while accessing random files.

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7. Divide large tasks into sub-tasks

Why not break a large task down into smaller ones and concentrate on them? You are more likely to achieve future goals if you achieve more current ones.

Consider creating 10 chapters of 10 pages each rather than a book of 100 pages. You'll be more inspired to write 10 pages rather than 100 because they are simpler to write. In the end, you'll do the same chores either way, but the division of work into smaller tasks gives us hope that the objective is much more reachable. It makes sense, doesn't it?

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8.Take small breaks every few hours to stay alert and refreshed

Programmers operate in a highly organized setting. They have strict deadlines to meet and a very methodical approach to our work. This has both good and bad effects. It's excellent since we can estimate how long a project ought to take. We are aware of the tools we have at our disposal and what to anticipate. That is why the programming profession has such stringent deadlines.

To increase your productivity as a programmer, keep a checklist on THE POMODORO TECHNIQUE

It is recommended that you use the Pomodoro Technique. Francesco Cirillo created this method in the late 1980s. Cirillo used to have trouble focusing and had trouble finishing his work. He made the disappointing decision to limit his study time to only 10 minutes. The Pomodoro technique was created as a result of this difficulty, which inspired him to find a kitchen timer in the shape of a tomato (Pomodoro in Italian).

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9. Avoiding Distractions/ Avoid using the phone

Most people might easily become sidetracked from their work with just one "ting." Programming demands sustained attention, so having a ringing phone nearby is not a good idea. Try to restrict your use of smartphones and keep all of your work on computers solely. In keeping with suggestion #1, we advise you to keep your phones and other electronic devices in DND (Do not Disturb) mode so that your attention doesn't wander. After hours or only in an emergency should you use social media and messaging apps.

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10. Keep a daily log of your activities and consider any habit changes.

Make a summary of your day's work and check the boxes next to each item you finished. The daily activities can be recorded in a spreadsheet or on a piece of paper. Maintaining this practice will help you stay inspired and energized for the next morning. Continue validating yourself at each milestone.

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All you need to achieve your objective is devoted time and space where you can work on one thing at a time without interruptions and these straightforward yet efficient techniques. Whatever your objective, if you track your progress, you can make it better.


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Error to 200

Error to 200 means "Error to Success Status". Through this blog and youtube channel, I attempt to teach basics and those coding techniques to people in a short time, which took me ages to learn.